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Al F
added comment inLandmarks Assignment Example 1: Back
Spent some time analyzing reference photo to determine landmarks and wanted some feedback. Even in a clear reference like this, I'm having trouble figuring out where the scapulas are, triangular expansion, the teres major muscle, iliac crest, PSIS, Sacrum are. Anything annotated here that is wildly off where it should be?
Stepping back, is this a useful thing to do, or do people recommend that you just jump straight into gesture plus landmarks?
Andrea M.
I don't know if it is a recommended approach or not, but I've been doing the same. I find it useful for two reasons: 1) Helps me remember the names of these boney landmarks, as I've been annotating with the full name, and 2) practicing seeing the landmarks helps me see them faster, more, etc.
I find the scapula hard too. I think I would have put them in pretty much the same place you did :)
Al F
I'm having a hard time figuring out whether or not my landmark placements here are correct. I've attached a reference photo, the reference annotated with landmarks, and my attempt at the reference (obviously if the annotation is wrong, then my drawing will be wrong too). I'm focusing on the back mostly here, so really just looking at placement of the acromion process, scapulas, triangular expansion, 7th cervical vertebrae, iliac crest, sacrum (which I think is covered by the model's shorts).
Is there any placement here that is incorrect / needs to be shifted?
I think to find the teres major, you need to be able to find (or estimate) the scapula as well as its position. I think you did a good job finding the acromion process and the triangular expansion, but I’m not quite sure what the blue diagonal line on the right is supposed to represent (if the blue triangle is supposed to represent the scapula, it’s a bit big to be a scapula. Size changes from person to person but usually the scapula length is about half the length of the rib cage).
The orange mass appears mostly to be the serratus anterior, which I’m pretty sure would be flexed in this position. I tried to find the right scapula using the perspective of the left one and measuring it using the length of the rib cage. I’m not sure it’s completely right tho, maybe someone will correct me.
I hope some of this will be of some help!
I'm pretty sure the Teres Major is incorrect --- remember it connects the scapula to the FRONT of the humerous bone. You've got it way too low. Hope that helps.