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added comment inStructure Basics – Making Things Look 3D
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Hi!, Animal Assignments here. I needed a few tries on each image, but here they are.
Hello! These are some Bean exercises I did.
Asked for help
Hi! These are some of my 2 minute gestures. I try to use only curves in the gestures. Well, Sometimes I don't have enough time for arms.
You can practice doing only the arm and hand for more confidence and putting in you drawing, like 30sec or 1min,
Hello Emiya _hc,I think you did a pretty solid job on making the gesture very expressive (I am quite fond of the top right drawing you did on the first page,I think you really captured the flow of it)
The biggest problem I see is that some of these drawing looks very flat,for example here is a drawing by Tim Gula,observe how he overlaps chest,stomach and front hips to create a sense of 3 dimensionality.
Here is another by Eliza Ivanova,observe how the line describing the breast and chest bone wrap around the figure,again giving the body a sense of volume.
I also suggest to learn some landmark of the human body,so when the next time you do gesture drawing,you can implement these landmark to create structure.
Anyway that's all I got,I'm sorry it turned so long (and hopefully this wasn't all a waste of time)But all in all,please keep going Emiya_hc,we want to see you progress through your skill!(Also best regards on your art journey)
Hello, I did these gestures today. I think traditional are easier than digital lines.
Wow, this looks really clean!
I'm not too experienced with figure drawing so take this with a grain of salt but in the last figure drawing, it seems like the flow is really disjointed between the torso and legs. It was kind of awkward? I don't know what the original pose looked like so I can't give any detailed impressions