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Asked for help
My first attemopts at trythems I dont ffeel the floow quite yet maybe im being too tight with my llines but ill try more but id like feedback on these
Id like opinions on these thankyou
Eddie Blake
I like the energy that you have in the curve of the seal body. The one that’s whipping its head to the right. I’ve seen these guys in the wild because I live near the coast. It’s very true to life.
Im still finding a bit difficult to keep things focused on one shape but I had a funner time this time Id really like feedback on this one
scott ford
Love these, big fan of cartoons
I gave it another try I dont if this is correct but I feel like its better than y previous attempts
Another attempt idk if this is correct but i yhink im closer than last time
My attempt at lesson 2 I dont think ive quite grasped it yet am I putting shapes in the refrence or finding shapes in the refrence
loes roos
I like your dobermean man!
My Level one exersise I wasnt really feeling the yack
loes roos
I think you tried too much to copy the reference. The reference is only a guide to study and try and understand how the animal works. Try mirroring it and using the blocks or triangles like stan did with the monkey... One photo and a lot of different monkey drawings.
Lynn Fang
Master study 2. Interesting assignment ! The strange thing is, I accept any challenge only as an assignment.🤪
yo this is crazy good
More tbchoi studies
Study of will murai i was super uncomfortable doing the single line style marks ( link to will murai website https://www.willmurai.com/#/itamae/ )
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