Don Welbourne
Ottawa On. Canada
Former Tattoo Artist "Mad Hatter Tattoos" now my eyes are too bad to tattoo, so I was painting for a while till I stumbled onto clay sculpting...
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added comment inHow to Make Wire Armatures for Sculpting
here's a link to the cranial units video.
Don Welbourne
My first attempt at Armatures
Don Welbourne
First Human form done ever, hind sight, the Armature (skeleton) was done with wire too thick for this size ... why she's thicker then she should be in spots.
Don Welbourne
My very first two Armatures (one Imperial one Metric) I'm not sure if I want to leave them as is for future reference ?!? I'm kind of proud of them as they are...
Don Welbourne
Painting on clay seems to be my nemesis!.. I've lost my depth perception can I get it back??
Don Welbourne
Excited to learn, Xmas wiped me out getting full course next month ... can't wait!