Activity Feed
I have tried to take into account the shift of the center line for the bottom of the nose and mouth outwards and of eye sockets inwards - something I've not done enough of in the past.
Gannon Beck
Excellent work!
I drew the Jeep, but there is too much reflected light and separating light and shadow wasn't so easy, so decided to do a portrait as well.
I always struggle with fitting objects to composition. I spend a lot of time at the beginning stages moving vanishing points back and forth trying to make the character in the right place in the composition, and also large enough that I can show details, make some other object look far in the distance while at the same time trying to fit it on the page and not make any of that look odd :D
On the topic of composition vs perspective though - I think it's still relevant to the topic. The question is not if something is well placed composition-wise, but more how do you place objects where you want them to be and still have them in corect perspective? Maybe it's just a matter of practice of visualizing..?
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