David Barker
Aspiring Illustrator and concept artist looking for new career opportunities. Currently studying Illustration masters degree. Sci fi and fantasy fan.
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David Barker
added comment inDigital painting crit
Asked for help
Hi all, good to meet you. I have attached a few examples of my work in both environmental and character design and would appreciate some feedback and advice on how to improve to the point of possibly presenting at interview for a concept artist/illustrator position or compiling work together for my portfolio. I would also appreciate any kndustry related advice and pointers toward relevant courses on proko which would be best suited to my practice,
Many thanks in advance,
Christopher Beaven
Hey David, I'm just starting my digital journey and your work is so much better than anything I can do right now. Great job! Did you take any particular courses? If so which ones have helped you the most? Thank you for posting!
Steve Lenze
Hey David,
Nice to see your work. Looking at what you have here, a couple of things jump out at me.
First of all, you're painting with too much black, this makes all your stuff look kind of dead. You need to color shift more in your shadows, this will give more interest and be more appealing. If your going to have your light side be warm, then color shift your shadows to blues and purples, and vise versa.
The other thing you seemed to be struggling with is perspective. This will be crucial in concept art, so you should really work extra hard on it.
Lastly, your figures are a little stiff and lack anatomy and proportion, another thing that you will need to be well versed in to do concept art.
I added a couple of quick sketches to show you what I'm talking about. I suggest you look at what pro concept artists are doing and shoot for that level of skill. I hope this helps :)