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Carl Wilson
added comment inMannequinization Assignment Example 3
I haven't posted anything in a while. Here are a few samples of the mannequinization examples I recently completed. Any comments are welcome. It seems like things are building and coming together in this class and lessons.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/7/26. Good morning everybody. This is an acrylic painting I've just finished this morning (it took me 11 hours). I'm very bad in painting landscapes. I specially struggled with the color of the river especially in the bottom area. I feel like, it's not bad but it still look very amatorial. I'm not sure if the dragon merges correctly with the background. Thanks for your critique.
Hi Marco - I think it turned out really good. It give you the sense that the dragon is definitely in the foreground, closer to the viewer, and coming off the page. I don't really do landscapes but I thought you did a great job. Possibly a little less detail in the mountains at the very back due to the atmospheric perspective. I'm a detail artist so maybe a few more details on the dragon .. wider range of colors in certain areas on the dragon perhaps? Still - great job.
Cade Burdett
I don’t think it would hurt to draw more especially trying to replicate what he shows in the book. I know that he starts talking perspective way earlier than Stan does in the figure drawing course.
Yeah - I agree. And it's not necessarily easy perspective .. it's drawing the figure in perspective laying down, sitting, etc.
I first got PDFs of the Loomis books as they were out of print at the time. Recently, I've acquired the reprinted hardcover versions. I've started reading "Figure Drawing for All Its Worth" many times but never seem to get far into it. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to go about studying figure drawing using this book beyond just reading and understanding it? E.g., should I be reading and replicating diagrams and illustrations 5x (or something like that) before moving on? Guess I'm trying to figure out the best way to use these books as textbooks.
Wondered what people's thoughts are on daily sketchbooking. I've been drawing for a while and know I should be drawing in a sketchbook but I rarely do it. What kinds of things should go in? Random everyday objects? Figure studies if I'm trying to learn anatomy? When I do draw in a sketchbook, it may be kind of random things that pop in my head or something I came across online.
Carl Wilson
Asked for help
Just discovered the site and looks great. I'm wondering if there is a guide or recommendation for classes to take - kind of like a syllabus. I have experience pencil and ink drawing, airbrush, and a little bit of oil painting. No art school. I'm looking to be able to improve my drawing skills, specifically figure drawing, rendering/shading.