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Crystal Wall
added comment inTown Hall Livestream with Stan Prokopenko
Any career courses/lessons in the works?
Hey Crystal! Nice drawing, and thanks for doing it. These have been getting chuckles out of my friends and family.
A couple things about your drawing. The first thing I noticed is that it's long. If you take a measurement to the top of the head, to the mid point you can find the half way point. If you double that you can find the bottom of the drawing. On yours, it seems like the feet go well beyond where the bottom would be. If you do that, you'll be able to get a closer approximation on where the drawing will end.
The next thing is gesture. I can tell you've been watching your structure lessons, because you're doing a good job following the planes on the body with those lines I see wrapping forms. The next step is to add some gesture to it. If you look at the center line on my draw over, you can see you can describe the body on a C curve. Same with the legs, arms, head, neck, and head. It's sort of hard to understand, I know it took me awhile.
I'd recommend watching @Stan Prokopenko video Q&A – Gesture vs Contour and Scribbly Lines. In it he describes the difference between contour lines, and gesture. For me his video was very useful in understanding that concept.
I've also included some images that might inspire you.
A diagram of the Reilly method, the drawings of one of my teachers @Erik Gist and the drawings of an artist I admire, @Steve Huston.
Hope this helps!