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CAMERA ANGLE Am I right in saying that as we change the view of the loomis head 3D model, it isn't actually the 3d model that's rotating but the camera's position that's changing? As Stan mentions in this video, if the head tilts up or down the centre line will be at an angle (more noticeable from a slight side view), however, if it is the camera that's changing position - above or below the head - the centre line will remain vertical. As you rotate the model, the centreline remains vertical (sometimes slightly angled due to foreshortening). Please correct me if I'm wrong!! I'm still learning :)
I don't know if this is the answer to your question, but I have been confused by the 3d model because you can't position it in the pose that Stan often uses in these videos. Your question lead me to realize that the reason is that, in Stan's examples, he is, indeed, tilting the center line off of vertical, while the model cannot do this (it remains vertical, or nearly so, no matter the position). The screen captures show a grab from the video in this lesson, and a grab from the model in as close a position as I could get it to other grab. Note the difference in tilt of center line.
I feel there is something off in the posture, but I'm not sure how I would correct it. It's like the reference photo has the guy much more leaning outward, jutting his chin forward, whereas my pose is more static, upright. I'm not sure if that is about how I drew in the body, or the angle of the face, or the centerline of the face in relation to the body...or...
I made a couple changes, and he's more leaning forward. I changed the angle of the shoulder, bringing it around to the front more. I also had the facial features squished to my left, his right. I stopped here because I don't know how to draw facial features beyond these place markers.
I really had to force myself to post these. I realize that I have to start somewhere, but I feel terrible that I made Egon Schiele's wife look, well, sort of odd. I feel slightly better about the Tenniel study, but, as I was working I began to wonder if I was meeting the assignment, because I think cross hatching is actually shading? Oh well. I guess it's learning.
These are my attempts, before looking at the demo or anyone else's examples. I struggled to judge the overall size of the drawings, so I ended up cutting off portions of all three.
I didn't have a pear, and I also didn't realize how round apples are :). Honestly kind of felt like I was just making up angles, but I did my best to use only straight lines and to keep edges sharp. I found this very difficult. I would appreciate criticism. I do see that I rotated the apple forward a bit.
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