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Guille Ibanez
In the video, you mentioned that after completing the construction phase, you should reduce the opacity to add details. However, when working traditionally with pencil and such, do you create your initial construction lightly and then apply darker details over it? Thank you.
You can either draw lightly on your construction (using a very hard pencil like a 4H helps with this) and then draw over it or use an eraser to lighten down the pre-drawing. kneadable erasers are perfect for this.
This assignment was harder than I expected, but it was also great fun ! - All of my master studies are from movie scenes. For the ones from imagination I used the supplied images (looked at the image, than drew without the reference) and also "invented" 5 poses of my own. - These are my results after many tries. On some images I needed up to 20 tries to get a result that I could live with. - I had the most problems drawing the more relaxed (upright with little or delicate movements) poses. - I could not find a way of drawing a convincing back view. If you look at the Bruce Lee gesture, there is no indication of it beeing a backview.
Here is my try on the assignment.I think my front view came out a little too wide. Great course so far.
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