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Christian Zinser
added comment inPhotography Tips
Hahaha, I should have seen this lesson before!
Christian Zinser
Asked for help
I'll keep on working with this, I'm starting to see terminators and cast shadows everywhere! Sorry for the so-so drawings, I'll post better ones once I learn how to draw! :*)
Christian Zinser
Asked for help
Here goes! I'm doing a circle daily, without rotating the paper, it's been my warmup.
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This is an interesting exercise, its forcing me to look out for these techniques and its changing the way I see the paintings, very cool. Here is my analysis of my images:
Image 1 (The Last Supper) - D=3; C=5; F=1; O=4; A=4
Image 2 (Da Vinci Drawing) - D=3; C=5; F=??; O=3; A=??
Image 3 (The School of Athens) - D=5; C=5; F=4; O=4; A=4. RAPHAEL USES A LOT OF ALL OF THEM!
Image 4 (Praying Hands) - D=1; C=4; F=4; O=4; A=??
Image 5 (Rabbit) - D=1; C=4; F=3; O=2; A=??
Image 6 (Escher 1) - D=2; C=5; F=4; O=4; A=1
Image 7 (Escher 2) - D=5; C=2; F=3; O=4; A=3
Image 8 (Friedeberg) - D=5; C=5; F=3; O=2; A=0 - I'm a big fan of Pedro Friedeberg and I'm lucky to be able to own a few original pieces, he is a master of convergence.
Image 9 (Remedios Varo) - D=1; C=4; F=1; O=3; A=0 - I absolutely LOVE Remedios Vario! Surrealism at its best.
Image 10 (Vermeer 1) - D=5; C=5; F=0; O=4; A=4
Image 11 (Vermeer 2) - D=3; C=3; F=3; O=4; A=3
Image 12 (Kim Jung Gi) - D=4; C=4; F=5; O=5; A=4
Image 13 (Franklin Booth) - D=4; C=3; F=1; O=3; A=5
Image 14 (Gustav Dore 1) - D=5; C=5; F=0; O=4; A=5
Image 15 (Gustav Dore 2) - D=2; C=3; F=4; O=3; A=5
I'm not entirely sure if I did this right... foreshortening is a little difficult to grasp.
Thanks Marshall.
Christian Zinser
Hi Marshall, great lessons so far, I'm really excited about studying perspective!! Who new that was possible... I guess I just needed to find a great teacher!
I might be getting something wrong but I believe there is a mistake in the angles in the video, it skips from 105 to 130 and goes on from then. Here is a screenshot and I also attached my attempt at the angle wheel.
Thanks for sharing!
Christian Zinser
Asked for help
Here is my attempt, it was more challenging than I thought it would be! The shading isn't where I would like it to be, and I had to improvise over a few mistakes, but everything is a work in progress.
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Here goes nothing!