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catherine boaziz
added comment inCreativity Project 4 - Creative Combinations
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catherine boaziz
Asked for help
I am a doctor, therefore formatted for a reflection framed by demonstrated scientific bases and must apply protocols while respecting precise recommendations.
Sometimes, however, cases deviate from standard situations and it is necessary to tailor them by associating rigorous data and a new situation. It is therefore necessary to create a scientifically acceptable and possible proposal for the patient according to their physiological but also psychological characteristics.
In addition, I do clinical research and we explore new treatment avenues by comparing them to standard diagrams.
It is therefore a fairly limited creativity
To compensate for this, I do digital painting, photography, drawing, and that's how I discovered this site.
I am studying the basics and "doing scales", learning anatomy, etc., but I like the illustration that expresses an idea with a few lines and "letting go" without a precise framework and improvising.
I really like literature, playing with words, having fun with language and image connections, like representing figurative meanings, for example, to throw oneself into the water in French means to dare something, when we say to have the stomach in the foot means to be hungry, to be hungry, etc.,
I am very interested in composition and the different possibilities of structuring the space of the drawing, the relationships between mathematical rules and composition
The same subject in a different structure expresses different things
I like it when the project takes me where I didn't think I would go
In Photoshop I look at how AI can also introduce unexpected elements
I also sometimes dream of images that I would like to reproduce, it is rare but very intense
I get bored quickly in general, I need adventure and novelty in everything I do.
Here in two words I think my relationship to creativity I hope that Google will translate well what I want to say ..
I will try to understand the journals of the other members
Thanks for their testimonies
Hi Catherine! Nice to meet you! I'm from Quebec, and I know exactly what you mean with these French expressions.
I once entertained the idea of becoming a doctor when I was a kid. It didn't happen, but I've always stayed close to the human body in my artistic endeavors. I have one foot in science and one in art - my interests are many, but when I want to solve a problem for myself, be it physical or otherwise, I will delve deep into research. Lately that was researching the intricacies of human microbiology and the workings of hormones. Well. What can I say? Believe me when I say that my interests are many. All this to say that it made me think about the medical community, scientific organizations and protocols, the College of Medicine and its ethics. And I'm glad that it didn't work out for me as I find this world very limited in its thinking, as you pointed out in your first paragraph. I like to say to the people who strongly believe in science almost as if it were a religion, that before a scientific fact became a scientific fact, chances are it used to be considered a "pseudo-science". If ever there was an analogy to be made with science and creativity, it would be this: science can be limiting where pseudo-science is its creative counterpart.
I'm very curious about human nature in general, and I find that drawing anatomy, recreating the human body on paper and then drawing people, poses and expressions, make me dig deeper into that illusive nature.
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I look forward to seeing your work and sharing with you!
catherine boaziz
Asked for help
Not easy at all to remember the muscles so I have to see the photo reference