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Asked for help
So - I finished the picture over the weekend. Any feedback and tips, C&C, whatever is welcome! If anyone has any advice on finishing up a traditional piece digitally too, that would be great. I did a 'multiply' layer to push the darker values a little in pixlr
The paper I tried to ink on was not ideal in the end so it was difficult to get a clean gradient inkwashing in larger areas buuut thankfully the paper didn't bubble too much.
I kind of stuck with the original composition from over a year ago and didn't remove too much in the end so eh maybe it is a little busy. It felt good at least to finish something that had just been a very rough pencil sketch for so long..
Thanks for looking ! (:

Incredibly done! I think you did a great job not making the background details too overwhelming, your kappa figure still pops out. I’m still amazed by the level of detail! Congrats on finishing!
William Heydecker
Very cool! I love your choice of shadow shapes on the body and your clean holding lines.
I would agree with @Jan D. . Nice drawing and details on the clothing, colours are nice and proportions seem good to me. So a good job on the drawing but I think - yeah - the background detracts a little bit for me as it is very stiff with the straight horizon line running through the image.
There's two things I think you could do with the background - either try to add more details and create a simple scene or the drawing could also work nicely on a plain / single colour background, I think. :)
I really like the overall design of the character - especially in contrast to the other character in the first picture. It's got a lot of personality!
I think maybe the problem that stood out most to me with the graphic shapes for the lighting is on the left arm (character perspective) where it seems just a little too sharp and doesn't follow the shape of the arm, It kind of leaves it feeling a little flat, or that it might be a clothing design or something - if that makes sense? The other lighting areas seem good to me tho I'm definitely not an expert in this - but yeah, overall nice job!
This is incredible! The textures and details are fantastic! I agree that trying to push the fish and figures would be a good idea and maybe making the middle ground/ background less crowded could help with that? But this looks amazing and I’m excited to see the finished piece!
Thanks so much ! I've got some brushes & some more inks - am a little apprehensive about splashing it down as it'll be my first attempt at inkwashing and using brushes with ink, but I do need to get it finished soon so hopefully will have an update in a couple weeks! :)
hello hello !
working on inking an old sketch of a kappa from a year or so ago .. tweaking it a bit here and there. Trying to pick up on m old mistakes but any feedback or thoughts so far will be appreciated..
I am thinking I may use brushes to ink in the background with some washes and then work in some more detail after that. I'll try pushing the shadowy figures and fish, etc. into the background some more as it could get a bit busy perhaps..
any tips on brushes for inks would be great also :)
thanks !