Breno Santana
Breno Santana
Activity Feed
Breno Santana
First try
Breno Santana
Hello guys, could you evaluate my studies
Breno Santana
Hi guys, besides these two I made a few more
Breno Santana
added a new topic
Snail and Boots - CSI
CSI Challenge
Steve Lenze
Your values look good on this pear, You just need to keep your shadow out of the picture :)
Breno Santana
Thanks, I'll pay more attention next time
Breno Santana
and then I tried to simplify the portrait
Very impressive!
Breno Santana
added a new topic
Pear and Portrait
Hello guys, this is my first lesson that I did on the course, It wasn't the first attempt I made, but it was the one I thought was most "correct"
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