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Guillermo R
added comment inFigure Drawing Noobie
hi there, believe Stan and Marshall addressed this in one of their podcast episodes. If I remember correctly Stan mentions not to spend longer than 2 weeks per assignment. You are not supposed to be an expert at a specific assignment before you move on to the next, and you can always come back and redo the same assignment later with the new knowledge you have acquired. As he mentions, oftentimes new lessons or assignments might help you understand a previous one better.
hope it helps!
Gabriel Azzalos
It does! Thank you.
Asked for help
Here are all of my bean studies from this week! Things might look a little repetitive since I often would draw my interpretation first (beans marked 1) and then study proko's drawing (labeled 2) as I made my way through the example videos. Also started incorporating the bean into some gesture drawings, which has been an interesting exercise since I usually start figures with the head. Going to spend another week practicing beans and gesture together before I move on to the next section!
Wow! Beautiful design. I hope to get there at some point too! You look like you have good experience with drawing.
Asked for help
Gave myself 1 minute to do each one. I messed up mainly on the twisting ones.
I am an absolute beginner and I am not sure how long to practice the first two quick sketch assignments (30 sec & 2 min). When is it time to move on?
How do I know when to move on from the first assignment? I am completely new to drawing and wouldn’t want to move on too fast neither take overly long.