Eric Birdman
Mars and Andrómeda
Absolute mad begginer. Searching for constant feeback and trying to not draw like a 4 year old
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Eric Birdman
added comment inGesture drawing feedback, 30 seconds, 2 minutes
Yo you drawings are really cool, and do not worry about drawing too much countour, you are doing really great with gesture! what i spot on here is that you kinda do a little bit of chicken scratching (like really just a little bit), like, on the first one, aaand, maybe you are pressing to hard on the paper?. What i recommend if you caught yourself stuck in improving that, is practicing with I N K, it will really help you out to figure both gesture and countours, cuz, you know, once it touches the paper, it leaves a strong, non erasable mark. But for now, No worries my friend!
Eric Birdman
Asked for help
Been doing some studies of Andrew Loomis book "Figure drawing for all it´s Worth". I am trying to understand the Flat Diagram, but i don´t get how can i draw a proportional width related to height. Do i explain myself? In the first photo i show that problem. In adittion, the "diagonals point A, D, F" rendering method seems useless to me, due to it not establishing a height first, making it harder to put the figure in a specific space. Second and Third photos are some exercises. Forth and Six are examples of what happens when width is wrong, and Fifth photo is a attempt of using the Diagram in a scene. Finally, Seven is a different approach of drawing the Flat Diagram, which is by extending the rectangle´s edges, drawing a variable width while thinking of it like a box, and then, throwing in the proportion extension lines.
I struggle so much in understanding this, and is just page 23 of the book! I would be enourmously grateful if someone can take their time to explain me how to draw this little 2D fella in perspective.
That´s all, and thanks for your attention, like, fr 10000%
Eric Birdman
Asked for help
So, i have been doing landamarks recently. I have problems in actually drawing them, like, the scapula and ribcage but searching for them on the photos really helped me get thoose proportions right, which i struggle a lot. These are 5 min. quicksketches. Please critique
Beans from the Proko Gesture Reference Sampler. I drew all of them, Please critique, and thanks in advice
Eric Birdman
7mo It has been about a month since i've been trying to look at gesture drawing at a different angle (Link up there), and i think i have improved, specially with the 30 second poses (the last 2 photos), the other ones are 2 minutes poses. Please, critique
Eric Birdman
Asked for help
Here are some gesture drawings. Each took 3 mins, and i have been practicing since the last 2 months. I think i am not aproaching it correctly, so, any feeback, IS MORE THAN WELCOME
Also, i am not sure if i can upload the nude reference photos, so i´ll keep it like that
Try doing some shorter poses, like 30 seconds. You'll feel rushed at first, but as you do more of these short drawings you will get the hang of it. Focus on finding the essence of the motion of each pose instead of translating the contours of what you see. Keep your lines light and loose. Keep doing this practice in tandem with anatomy studies and as you loosen up and increase your knowledge of anatomy, you will see improvement! Learning to draw the human figure is difficult and will take much longer than 2 months of consistent practice, so don't get discouraged! Good luck :)