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added comment inProko Challenge Creative Group Portraits - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
36x48 Oil on Linen
"All Children of God"
I did this painting in 2021, and it is currently on display at the Church History Museum in Salt Lake City as part of the exhibit "All Are Alike Unto God" for the International Art Show for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I thought it fit this challenge pretty well. It was fun to interact with the kids to figure the painting out!
It depicts a church primary class, and how no matter how we all behave, we are all children of God.
Jomielyn Buhat
That boy on the right enjoying his seat might get a little fun if the chair will slip. ( Did I just made a little rhyming words with my comment? ) Haha. Any ways I have to agree with a comment I so above. This looks professional for me.
Here is my group portrait. I really enjoyed getting into the likeness of the subjects - a mash up between two photos. Thanks for critiquing and looking at all these submissions, Jeff!
"Family Dynamics" - graphite on paper.
This year I dared to jump with a parachute. I owe it to my wife. I decided to show you how happy I was at that moment. It's me and the instructor. Digital version.
"A Wedding Procession" - Oil on gessoed board
The bride and her family make their way to the groom's house before going to the temple for the marriage ceremony.
(Taking pictures of the painting was the hardest part! The colours of the face ended up being a bit too dark but I didn't know how to fix it without feeling like I would ruin what I had already done)
The reference pictures are from my relatives wedding
"Waiting for his last breath" - my children staying with our cat on its final journey.
I can't think on how your children might have felt on that moment. I am so sorry. I don't want this to experience with my cats. But, it is so lovely of you to recreate the moment by making a portrait of them. This is pleasing.
The title of this artwork is
" Italians and When You Break the Pasta." I chose to brought this idea into life because of the unparalled passion of Italians when it comes to talking about their food, cook or uncooked. It is so impressing to me because it is my first time to know that there could be people who deeply cares about their food, and how they do not want it to be disrespected. If Italians act and react like this towards their pasta, then it is heartwarming to think on how they treat people around them especially those who are very close to their hearts. Thankyou.