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First attempt(s). Retried it after my first attempt because I felt my shading was unclear/missing a tone.
I think you need to darken the darkest values in the first picture. but your simplification of the overall shape is something i think you did well. taking a step back from the drawing helps me focus on the overall form. try that. its so easy for us to get tunnel visioned on details. great job overall :)
Need to improve the proportions. Still having some issues to clearly define all the values.
I'm struggling with the same thing, I feel like for me personally it takes me 2 or 3 passes at darkening my darkest values to create the difference. Keep at it :)
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2nd attempt at pear, with having watched Mr. Proko do his interpretation Im happy with it, while also struggling to maintain consistency in values.
Already completed this assignment using graphite pencils since I want to get more comfortable with traditional media, but it can't hurt to do extra work digitally as well :)
great job! i feel like you changed the nose shape on the portrait, But made it better. Its a slight exaggeration that I feel like if you personally knew this person, would be a subtle way of knowing its him :)
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First project! first pear I've drawn. 14x17 paper with woodless graphite pencils. its hard to block out shapes, but i tried. :)
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