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Andrew Pruitt
added comment inLandmarks of the Human Body
Here's my homework assignment for this section of the course! The first 4 are from Stan's demos and the last 4 are my solo attempts.
I need to go back and do more poses from the back because I'm not sure if I correctly identified the scapula in my solo attempt. I also struggled with the complexity of the knees so if anyone has any tips, I'm all ears!
Any feedback is greatly appreciated and good luck to all other artists working their way through this course! :)
Andrew Pruitt
More recent practice from a couple of months ago
Hey this looks pretty good! You understand the concept of simplifying the parts into basic shapes pretty well. I think it would be beneficial however to try a few mannequinizations from models because artists have already solved all the hard problems in finding the form changes and major angles for you.
My Robo Beans from this section. I drew all of the Robo Beans from Stan's demo videos and then self-critiqued based off the differences in our beans.
I'm still not 100% confident in my Robo Beans so any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Andrew Pruitt
It's very hard to self-critique while working along with this video because I feel like Stan changes the position of the boxes to emphasize the gesture, but because of this I cannot tell if I'm correctly identifying the landmarks.
For example, in the second image I was not expecting to see Stan indicate the top plane of the bottom box because in the reference, the angle between the PSIS and ASIS appear to slope slightly downward so I was expecting to see a sliver of the bottom plane.
Andrew Pruitt
Here's my homework assignment from this section of the course. I really struggled with this more than I thought I would. I've been having a hard time keeping everything in perspective. I probably need more practice with perspective grids because I can't really wrap my head around drawing things in a 3D space and everything I draw appears very flat to me.
I had initially started this assignment on paper but I was struggling and decided to do some digital trace overs and then attempted to re-draw them based off the observations I made. If anyone can explain how to mirror limbs to the opposite side in perspective, that has been giving me a really hard time.
I appreciate any feedback these get and I am definitely going to continue to try and share more of my assignments in the future!
Wow, these look good. You used really well the simple forms. If feel you are struggling with perspective I would suggest drawing boxes and cylinders from your furniture, it really helped me. Also I would suggest thinking of the shoulder, torso and back part of the animal when you draw them like what you did in the 1 example, it will help for future lessons.
I think what would make this tutorial easier to follow, would be if Proko were to overlay a line diagram (such as at 01:32 and 06:02) on top of the model's body before drawing. I'm finding it quite hard to tell where the boney landmarks because the muscles are so distracting! It would be good to see a diagram in its entirety, or an x-ray directly on the model alongside the demo drawing.
I think it could've been beneficial for us to see a demo of a simplified scapula. Going into the assignment, I really felt like I had only been taught how to simplify the clavicle.
Are you actively thinking about perspective, gesture, anatomy, ect. simultaneously or does your mind switch from one to the other as needed?