Abdon J Romero
Houston Texas
Abdon Jose Romero Diaz was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, on January 19, 1956. interested in drawing and painting since a very early age. US citizen
Activity Feed
Abdon J Romero
two poses chacoal/paper
Abdon J Romero
Hello, my name is Abdon, reviewing the posts I found your drawing; I understand that you want some suggestions about this job. Well, I'll tell you some things that might help you. I have a little experience in the matter, so I'll try to explain a procedure called "mental calculation of dimensions." It is about determining a space that contains all of what you are going to draw. To determine this, a "module" (unit of measurement) is established, in this case it is the baby's head from the top to the chin (also to establish the width of the figure). This measurement is repeated downwards until the end of the figure, and we verify that the size of the baby is approximately two head and three quarters. The next thing is to determine or adjust the contour (box adjustment) where we try to position hands, arms and the rest of the elements including the little bear.
The next step is to define the shapes; This is a structural process that helps establish the appearance, distance and size of the elements of the drawing, in other words providing to begin placing and describing the shapes with greater accuracy.
The third state establishes the contour direction of the elements (gesture, mass, balance), observe that everything is drawn in a geometric way, nothing is organic (round), this simplified way allows you to obtain a better understanding of the model.
Finally, the proportion of babies, unlike adults, is established in two equal portions; the upper part up to the eyebrows and the lower part that contains the rest of the elements. The width of the face is equal to the extension of five eyes.
I have tried to do the best I could with the drawing, the photo is not the most appropriate for making a portrait basically because it lacks contrast. Finally, a drawing is not a photo, it is about representing what we understand when we see..., one does not draw what he sees but what he knows. A drawing is an expression where feeling and sensitivity replace the object to give shape to the interpretation, there is art.
I find this new Proko space very interesting to share opinions and exchange drawing methods and learn, you know "there is more than one way to pluck a chicken." I am not one of the instructors, but I am retired and have plenty of time. I hope everything I said is helpful to you.
Abdon J Romero
I would like to know how I can participate more actively, talk and exchange opinions with those who participate in the channel
from my sketchbook pencil/paper
Abdon J Romero
On this day July 13 - Happy Birthday to Harrison Ford 1942 American actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner), born in Chicago, Illinois. pencil/ paper
Abdon J Romero
I'm really excited about the opportunity to participate in a social network for artists. Something like this was necessary a long time ago; Congratulations and best of luck with this project.