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Scott Gordon
Asked for help
I've been practicing frequently over the past couple of weeks. Does anyone else find that their back muscles, particularly on your drawing-hand side, get achy? I'm wondering if it's due to my change in style, moving away from drawing as much from my elbow to drawing from the shoulder. It's definitely meaning I have to pinch my shoulders back more to avoid hunching.
I'm interested to see if anyone has experienced this or if I'm just crazy.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2021/9/27. Hi All. This is my latest portrait. It still seems too flat to me. Any idea or advice to make it better? Thanks.
Nice stuff! The hair, eyes, structure and shape are really great! The main area I would say is the forehead. I'm no expert, but consider the planes that are there and where the light is in relation to them.
Try increasing the tone from right to left, whereby the left will end with the strong highlight as in the reference image. Good stuff! Keep it up!
I am in love with the classic painted Hollywood movie poster aesthetic, especially horror ones. It's amazing how busy, bright and colourful they were compared to their modern counterparts! So, I've decided to take every artist's nightmare and the story of my life essentially, and turn it into a classic scary flick. Enjoy! I'm sure you all can relate ;P
Painted digitally from scratch.
Hello All,
I am looking for an art mentorship and was wondering if any of you know whether or not the instructors here do this as part of the courses they offer or if they do it as an individual package through Proko?
Scott Gordon
Asked for help
These look great, definitely, you are improving! What is the title of the course/lesson that has this challenge in by Ahmed Aldoor?
Thank you Scott ! No there's no course or lesson for as I know, just a video on Youtube where Ahmed Aldoori introduces the #100HEADS Challenge. If you want to get in follow the link to the Pinterest Board where you'll find the 100 Reference Pictures and the video too. You are supposed to complete it in 10 Days (10 portrait a day) … but it's not mandatory … my speed rate is actually far lower than that (3 or less a day) … I'll be happy just to make to 100th. This challenge is the chance I was looking for to try and sort out my issues with portraits.