Woah! Kid Drawings REIMAGINED by Artists (#Prokochallenge)

Mark as Completed

CHALLENGE:Find a drawing by a child 0-6 years old and redraw it! It can be your kid’s or a drawing from your own childhood. Stay true to the child’s original idea. Imagine what they TRIED to draw, and draw that. Your own embellishments to the concept are fine as long as you respect the original idea. Judged by me based on the kid’s drawing, staying true to their idea, and execution (and probably humor).

Prizes provided by @stanprokopenko, and @wacom

To participate in monthly Proko Challenges follow @prokotv on Instagram

The March #Prokochallenge was to redraw kids’ art. The idea was to take the endless creativity of a child and combine it with the skills of an adult artist. There were over a thousand submissions and I want to thank everyone who participated in the challenge! In this video, I’ll react to the submissions and choose the winners, including WTF Award, Comedy, Best Interpretation, Proko Team Choice and many honorable mentions. Special thanks to Wacom for providing prizes for the challenge.

The Judge

@stanprokopenko the guy that made this site... I sell courses, hate drawing kangaroos, and co-host a podcast called Draftsmen. I like drawing people and will use my anatomy knowledge to “figure” out who the winner.

1st Place

Gilgamesh - @looslines

My thoughts: This one is amazingly complex, yet simply so good. The kid's drawing shows off the power of a child's imagination and Gilgamesh did an amazing job staying true to the original while bringing it to a really fun looking illustration. I love how this looks just like what a kid would be thinking about. It gets better and better the more you look at it and compare all the elements from the original. The angry pug right under its own WANTED sign is my favorite.

Prize - A Wacom One Creative Pen Display, Cooper Prokopenko Signed Print, and the Figure, Portrait, and Anatomy courses.

imaginative kid drawing redrawn kid art by pro artist

2nd Place

Cal Pal - @the_instacalpal

My thoughts: When I first saw this I thought this is exactly what a child imagines when playing with their toys. This belongs in a children's book. I love the style and the cute playfulness of the shape design.

Prize - A Wacom Intuos Small Bluetooth tablet, Cooper Prokopenko Signed Print and a choice of 1 Proko Course.

sea creature kid art lockness monster art challenge

3rd Place

Tarek Moutran - @tarekmrk

My thoughts: The execution won it for Tarek. He took a simple kid drawing and built a fantastic world that looks straight out of Star Wars in the style of Moebius. The details make it really exciting to look at for a while. I love how the shape of the hand-like things being sold in the back look just like the hands of the character in the kid's drawing.

Prize - Cooper Prokopenko Signed Print and 1 Proko course.

tarekmrk 2 original drawing tarekmrk updated drawing

Random Winner

Nadia - @nadia_anbat

Prize - A Wacom Intuos Small tablet.

nadia anbat original drawing nadia anbat updated drawing

Proko "Team Choice"

Nguyen Quoc Bao - @endkiubee.art

Prize - Cooper Prokopenko Signed Print and 1 Proko course.

endkiubee art 2 original art endkiubee art updated art

Comedy Award

Kostas D - @aoua.art

Prize - 1 Proko course.

aoua art original aoua art updated

Videogamification Award

Fede Catalá Errozarena - @fefinfon

Prize - 1 Proko course.

fefinfon original art fefinfon updated art

WTF Award

Daniel Rüger - @danielrueger_art

Prize - 1 Proko course.

danielrueger art original danielrueger art updated

Youngest Filipino Artist Award

Jp Albaño - @jpa.the_artist

Prize - 1 Proko course.

jpa the artist origional jpa the artist updated

I Love You Mom Award

Yvonne - @largewoosh

Prize - 1 Proko course.

largewoosh 2 origional art largewoosh updated art

Coronavirus Award

Jorge - @jmcucalon

Prize - 1 Proko course.

jmcucalon original art jmcucalon updated art

Tiger King Award

Mtl Nutbar - @mtl_nutbar

Prize - 1 Proko course.

mtl nutbar origional mtl nutbar updated art

Best Interpretation Award

fyfyfyfy - @fyfyfyfyfyll

Prize - 1 Proko course.

fyfyfyfyfyll origional art fyfyfyfyfyll updated art

Cooper Interpretation Award

Viny Arts - @viny_arts

Prize - 1 Proko course.

theartsalient original art viny arts updated art

Honorable Mentions

Other Honorable Mentions in no particular order.

Alessandro Corsini

alessandro corsini

Srđan Elor - @burningarmadillo


Fer Eco - @ecoabismo


Gabe McAlpine - @gabe_mcalpine

gabe mcalpine

Paul Gambino - @gambinothedrawer


Hugo Cierzniak - @hugo.cierzniak

hugo cierzniak

Mtl Nutbar - @mtl_nutbar

mtl nutbar

ROLAND STRALLER - @roland.straller.art

roland straller art

Steven Kernen - @skillustration100


Tiago Hoisel Ferraz - @tiago_hoisel

tiago hoisel
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