Traditional Versus Digital Artists - Stanswers #3

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If the mere sight of a blank canvas, or the prospect of drawing a kangaroo is enough to fill you with dread, I have some Stanswers that should help you out. Discover the drawing exercises I use to this day, how I’m teaching my kids to draw, and how to beat the fear of a blank page.


0:00 - Can you draw a kangaroo from imagination?

0:21 - What's an exercise you find yourself still doing?

0:34 - How are you teaching your kids to draw?

1:54 - Do you visualize before drawing?

3:26 - I love you!

3:31 - How do you beat the feat of a blank page or canvas?

4:54 - What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?

5:03 - Is it necessary to know how to draw for digital art?

5:15 - Is it fair for a traditional artist to compete against a digital artist?

7:42 - Can we draw nude drawings at the age of 17?

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