Pastel Drawing in Procreate with Lane Brown (LIVESTREAM)

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Lane Brown
I'm now accepting questions for my livestream! Tomorrow I'll be doing a pastel demo using my procreate brushes and will be answering any questions that you have. LIGHTBOX DISCOUNT - Get my charcoal or pastel brushes 20% off using code LBX2021
I’m gearing up to oil paint down the road. Well, that in and of itself is super complex, as beginning attempts have shown. I am now getting down to basics, lots of drawing to be done, skills to learn, a gargantuan need to learn anatomy, and then mixing paint will come later, so that when I actually use canvas and paints, I can create something of value and not some monstrosity to be found in a thrift store or trash bin.  I’m wondering what is advice of practicing digitally versus real pen, and paper, pencil or charcoal in developing skills? Any thoughts?
I discovered there was no difference between digital and traditional. The thing is, just do it! I started with digital fearing i couldnt practically use paints, but soo leart it was not much different other than there is no Ctrl+Z. But with oils you get plenty of time to push the paint or wipe off. Just do it Shaun :)
That was fun to watch and discover a totally new tool and idea of using an iPad for digital art. I’ll look up that app now, out of curiosity.
Hi Lane! When I’m using an overlay layer, it doesn’t work the same way as yours does. The overlay layer acts more like a highlighter than an actual color layer and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. (a user on YouTube had the same problem as well)
Lane Brown
The trick I've found with Overlay layers is to paint with mid-tones. (around 50% on the value scale). You can use any colors, as long as you stick to a mid-value, and it will simply modify the hue/saturation. When you use lighter or darker values that will push and pull the values of your image. That can be useful. I often use Overlay mode to both alter color and values. You just have to be mindful of this. If you only want to modify color, then choose mid-values from the color window.
What is the keyboard you are using beside your ipad?
Oh! I found the answer. Sorry!
Stan Prokopenko
Awesome demo Lane!
Lane Brown
Thanks Stan, I had a great time!!
October Comstock
Do you have any tips for breaking down light on complex objects? Like a a glass of water for example
What technique do you use with such textured brushes when going into details like gold, jewelry, eyes? I always wonder what is necessary and what isn't when working with brushes that don't have solid edges
John B
Lane will you ever make NFTs of your work?
Hi Lane. Don’t know if you answered this in the beginning of the Livestream, but can you let us know what device you are using with your left hand. I’m assuming it adjusts settings as you draw. Thanks!
Matt Fontaine
Can you show us how the ipad sits in the board you made? Is just a hole in the board and it's sitting on the desk or is there a lip on the wood?
Nikita Why
Who is the model / where can I get this model pack?
Jim A
Hi Lane What's the best way to get a print from this. Is there a way to set up the document so that later it can be turned into something physical? Thanks.
Magda PG
Hello, Thank you for doing a live demo! I can't wait to watch it. I think my only question at the moment is: one of the great advantages of Procreate is the non digital feeling but... how do we get the best of different layers with these pastel brushes? Selection tools? Do we get to play with those to squeeze results out of the practice or should we approach in a traditional way? If that makes any sense.
Hello, I hope your day's going well. I've noticed that artists may make a kind of 'noise', or messy brushstrokes where the subject's rendering gets looser and looser until it's just a kind of nonsense. I really like this expressive technique, how do I do it? I've noted it's used in backgrounds and rough paintings too. Thanks.
Hi Lane! Can you talk about handling the apple pencil like a traditional tool, generally but especially for your charcoal brush set. Do you think it would be a good idea to have two pencil options in Procreate and a quick gesture shortcut to switch between a hard edge and a soft edge pencil?
Kacey Lynn
Can you talk about your approach to edge control and how you balance soft vs. hard edges? Thanks!
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