Painting a Model from Life Hosted by Ethan Becker Pt. 2 (LIVESTREAM)
Leave questions for us before the stream starts!
Join Leon Okun, Joseph Todorovitch, Natalia Aandewiel, Natalia Fabia and myself as we continue painting a woman in a Ukrainian dress in the Proko studio for a second day. Hosted by Ethan Becker!
ristroph sibylle
Thank you for this really interesting video. I really appreciated seing the evolution of the different way of making portraits. I love Natalia Aandewiel piece, so fresh and made with her heart. Thank you for all

What is your advice for someone who's planning to take a break for a year to better their skills as much as possible before they make a portfolio to get into art school?
Peter Cohen
Does everyone painting now create art as their primary source of income? What was the transition like from art as a hobby or art as a student to art as a primary or major income source?

Raven Shaves
Question for joe . How much for a sit down lunch or dinner? I could listen to him talk for hours
Margaret Schwirian
I like what Stan has with the flowers.

Raven Shaves
Question for Natalia Aandewiel. Do you paint or teach abstract art?

Peggy Nichols
Thank you. It's been a joy watching this session today.
Sylvester Massey
Question - is it possible to receive photos of the same model, so people who are watching the live stream can paint along or paint later, and maybe we can have a hashtag for this stream ?
Sylvester Massey
Question-- what do you, advice artists, to practice daily to become a better Artist? What is that one thing you would recommend practicing a lot ?