How to Draw a Figure

Mark as Completed
stick figure drawing

An original stick figure drawing by artist, Stan Prokopenko. As seen on the Proko show, in April Fools episode, “How to Draw a Figure”. I will draw you a detailed, anatomically correct figure drawing.

Made with love and sarcasm.

12 x 9 inches

charcoal on newsprint

*Signed by the artist!

$19 - SOLD OUT

Hey, my name is Stan Prokopenko, welcome to another lesson on Proko. Today I will be showing you guys how to draw a figure. This information was passed down to me through many generations of masters and took me an entire decade to master myself! It takes at least 10,000 hours to get the hang of this, so I suggest you start practicing now.

Ok, guys pay attention cause this gets tricky really fast. I’ll start the drawing with the head and I’ll simplify it to a circle, just like we learned in the loomis method. Then observe the torso and I’ll try to draw it as accurately as possible. This is important because it’s going to set the foundation for the rest of the drawing.

Next, let’s attach the arms. and don’t forget the legs. There’s a lot of anatomical nuances in the contours of the legs, so pay attention to that and try to design the shape, don’t just copy them.

If you want to get really complicated you can give your person some shoes, and maybe some gloves. And a hat.

And finally, you want to make sure that you capture the right expression of the face. I suggest you study yourself in the mirror, and really try to observe the muscles that are activated during various emotions. For this drawing I’m going to make my character happy.

Alright, there you go! You probably won’t be able to get it this good on your first try, but don’t give up. Keep working on it until you train your eye to see all the subtleties.

Happy April 1st :P

Continue on to the next lesson if you want to see me add anatomical detail to this figure.

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