Now taking questions for my livestream!
I'll continue to work on a graphite figure drawing and will talk about graphite rendering techniques. If there's time, I'll be answering some of your questions.

Dear Jeffrey Watts,
May I ask you if you think you can become as good as one who attended Repin Academy, Angel Academy or your Atelier through just 'self education' meaning, following online courses from Watts Atelier, New Masters Academy and Vitruvian Studio and being your own critic (if you have the eyes for it)?
I am learning from doing cast drawings, drawing life animals at the zoo. And I read books like Hogarth, Loomis and Barque. I don't have any money to attent your classes in person or here in Europe. But I will draw my family/friends from life or just regular folks on the street.
andrew marlowe-cremedas
Between gesture, bean, robo/volumetric drawing, manikinization and then anatomy, how does one know what to focus on exactly to strive for weekly/ consistent improvement? A blend of all of them or a process of elimination to get a more finished result?
Robert Giacomelli
4-year atelier (California and NY ) student asks: some ateliers “cargo cult” LARPing 20thC French Acad ? Gaslighting and Gatekeeping? Do you use internal geometry diagonals?

ive been struggling with self doubt a lot so I was wondering how does talent play a big role in become good at drawing or is practice and consistency alone enough.
Robert Giacomelli
Sight-size? Yes or no? Construction drawing geometric forms? Rank Franks: Quitely, Cho, Frazetta, Miller, Gary Frank ?

Hi! I'm a beginner and I was wondering about whether I should go with Photoshop like everyone else or iPad with Procreate. Do you think iPad will replace Wacom Pen Tablets because it is more intuitive to draw on?
Robert Giacomelli
Composition design fundamentals: "Harmonic Armature" internal scaffolding diagonal lines/ geometry of the rectangle (or other shape) useful for planning and placing figures ala Michel Jacobs??
Lucas Cavalcanti
Hi, Jeff! Will the Atelier have another ink event in October like last year? The prompts were pretty challenging, and it was really great!

Hey, Jeff; as someone who hasn't been in art industry for very long, how can you tell whether someone's critique is worth listening to?

This figure looks very out of proportion. Is it me or is the head really large?

Cynthia Hickson
I think if you study a lot more you’ll see it’s proportional very correct

Skyler Goodman
Hi Jeff, I just signed up for the online drawing sub at Watts! Since even the most structured online program is less structed than an in-person course, there is an element of chaos to online learning as a beginner. Do you have any recommendations of how someone can go above and beyond to really get the most out of a great online course like yours? (not a secret plug hahaha)

Taylor Patterson
Hi Jeff, I wanted to thank you for doing the live steam! I am someone who is a professional in a non art related field. My question is, can I still get to the level of drawing where I could do a drawing like in the stream without dedicating all my waking hours to it?

Jack Gacek
Hi Jeff! I was recently at the MET and got to see some Sargents in person- they were breathtaking. When I talk with my friends who are into art, their favorites are always Pollock or Matisse. Why do you think many abstract artists gain the popularity they have, compared to more technically skilled draftsmen? In other artistic mediums, say film, the movies with the best craftsmanship and story typically garner more attention and respect than many experimental ones, but it seems to be the opposite with painting and drawing.

Mohd Akbar
Hey jeff , will you ever do a water colour series ?
Sophie Ryan
Hi Jeff!
Do you ever combine charcoal and pastel? I want to add a little colour to my charcoal drawings, but not sure how to go about it.
Kanishka Muthuthanthri
Hey Jeff,
Nice to meet you.
Awesome Work!
I am from Sri Lanka but had my education in Illustration and Animation in California.
Quick question in regards to digital. Do you find yourself limiting your range of drawing to your wrist instead of your whole arm when working with a tablet? I have seen a lot of people running the risk of hurting their wrist when working digitally.
I like mixing it up with traditional and digital both but Figured I'd get your thoughts about it.
Thanks Jeff

How do you go about designing shadow shapes?

Hello Jeff, I am an artist that is beginning to start studying realism to improve my own artstyle, but I don't know how I should balance my projects, how much should I study compaired to doing personal projects

Natalia Rousu
How do you avoid “stiffening” the gesture drawing when transitioning to a more finished drawing?

Hello! amazing drawing there, wanted to ask when you block the figure in a such delicate manner, do you ever run into the fear of ruining the drawing while shading? if so what advice would you give someone to deal with the fear.