Stanswers round 2! This time with a whole bunch of advice on gesture and quicksketch. Learn how to add more dynamic shapes to your figure drawings, the key to adding structure without sacrificing gesture, and more.
PoopMan BoxMan
This video is awesome~ I was kind of stuck on adding structure to my gesture drawings but this quick QnA video really cleared a lot of the stuff! Thanks! :::DD

Thanks for the video, found it useful!

Is there any way to draw realistic figures without looking at models?
Even after learning the ins and outs of muscles (thanks to your Anatomy course), I find myself unable to maintain the quality without drawing directly from a model. The figures look stiff and after a while of not using references, the quality declines (maybe it's the mind that wants to simplify everything? I don't know).
I'm still going to continue learning more, but this is always a thought that I have trying to improve.
Am I mixing my priorities? Is it even a goal worth trying, or am I falling into perfectionism?
What would you advice me to do about it?
Thank you for your time! (And the Very helpful courses too!)
mac hewitt
Hey Stan,
It's great to see your quicksketches/gesturesketches again. I would love to see more of them. Any plans for a book?
Hehe it's funny.. I've had a book designed and ready to start manufacturing for almost 3 years, but the project got put on hold when Covid hit. My goal is to get it printed in time for Lightbox 2023. Currently most of my attention is going to the Drawing Basics course which I'm putting on presale in a few days :)