Escape Photo Reference Limitations

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Patrick Jones
When drawing from photos, be aware of photographic distortion. Cameras see in 2D, unlike our binocular vision, which can lead to inaccuracies in proportions.
Shelvs Fleurima
While I understand the concept, I cannot help but wonder if perspective doesn’t cause those distortions?
Ksenia Uotila
It is also a camera lense distortion. Usually professional photographers pick the right one to minimise it.
I think it’s a perspective you wouldn’t see unless maybe you closed one eye and put your head down by her foot. Also, I think it depends on what your want your art to look like. Sometimes in comics they draw a fist bigger than the rest of the body to make it come out of the page so they are distorting on purpose. Usually in figure drawing you don’t want a giant foot though.
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