Combining Reference and your Imagination - Peter Han Proko Challenge

Lesson by
Mark as Completed

CHALLENGE: For this prompt, we’re going to provide you with a variety of  reference images to choose from and it’s your job to choose from at least three and combine them into a  sketch of a brand new character, creature, or creation with elements from your references. 

Prizes provided by: Wacom, Trekell, ArtStation, Sentient Academy, and Vision X Live


1st Place

Sachin S - @sachin_s


Prizes: Wacom One Creative Pen Display
1 year access to Sentient Academy
Vision X Replay Pass
$50 gift card to ArtStation Store
Proko Figure, Portrait, and Anatomy courses

2nd Place

Oliwia Kozłowska - @bloajd


Wacom Intuos Small Bluetooth
Vision X Replay Pass
$50 gift card to ArtStation Store
Proko Figure, Portrait, and Anatomy courses

3rd Place

Cyn Illustrations - @cyn_illustrations


One by Wacom Pen Tablet
Vision X Replay Pass
$50 gift card to ArtStation Store
1 Proko course of your choice

Team Choice Award

carlosrdzart - @carlosrdzart

Prize: $1000 Proko Gift Card - The Proko team will vote on their favorite.

Community Choice Award

Ramon Gubskii - @roman4980

Prize: $1000 Proko Gift Card - The community will vote on their favorite.

Skelly's Choice

Ricardo Martinez - @ricardo29

Prize: Proko Skull - Skelly will choose his favorite.

Impromptu Awards


Freakiest Alien Surgery Award

Darian Quilloy - @darian_quilloy

Story Telling Award

drein123 - @drein123

Character Design Award

Burning Armadillo - @Burningarmadillo

Use ALL the References Award

Fernando Freitas - @fernm

3D Award

Hokowhitu Sciascia - @inglourious_hoko

Exciting Draftsmenship Award

Monika Eidintaite - @moei

Sexiest Horse Man Award

Ion Chirita - @ioanchirita

Creature Design Award

Pedro Adario - @pedro_adario

Coolest Bug Bike

Theja Rhitso - @theja_rhitso

Trekell's Choice

Trekell Brush Set for Winner’s medium of choice, Trekell Panel, Trekell Brush Soap, Trekell Brush Restorer, Trekell Brush Case

Axel Medillin - @axel_medellin

Wacom Random Winner

Prize: Wacom is awarding a random participant a Wacom Intuos small tablet.

bec - @bec

Sentient Academy Choice

bxeshadow - @bxeshadow

Random Proko Winner

Prize: Proko course of winner's choice.

Noor Zainy - @noor4art

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order)

Mike Cotton Russel - @mikecottonrussell

Mailolsilva - @maikolsilva

Lakin Ashola - @lakin_ashola

krioukovm - @krioukovm

David Schneider - @davidschneider

alen - @alen

Antonina Babicheva - @artkonina

Thumbnail art by artkonina

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