Update: You can find all live streams included in the playlist in the video above or in the links below.
The first video of a really exciting collaboration between Proko and Pixologic, the makers of zBrush! We’re going to be simulating a workflow as a character designer creates concepts and passes those to a 3d sculptor to convert to a workable 3D asset. This is a real world example of how these artists work together to create assets for video games, film, toys, and collectibles.
So in this video, gaming industry veteran Scott Flanders will show you how professional artists take their concepts from their earliest ideas on paper, to final concept. Then we’ll pass those off to Joseph Drust from Pixologic, to bring them to life in 3D. Pixologic will have 3 live streams with Joseph! Make sure to tune in to watch Joseph sculpt the Pixol Rangers in Zbrush! Links below.
Pixologic Live Streams:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 Bonus: 3D Printing
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Scott's Other Digital Painting Demo:
Digital Shape Carving with Scott Flanders