Check out my new lesson where I give some of my comic drawing tips and techniques.

I am absolutely inspired by Ryan and his ability to get his thoughts across. It helps me to get rid of my obsession with detail. Which in turn create bad art. I am now trying to focus on shapes and looseness of drawing. I cannot wait for his lesson in the Marvel course! Thank you Ryan.

fantastic, wonderful artist, thanks for the videos, graphite what grade is it, what grade of pencils do you recommend? , maybe he says it but my English is bad and I can only read it (try to read it, not well though, speaking it or understanding it spoken is the problem),
for inking, I tried brush pentel (I'm not very good at using them but one of the things that limits me is the ink consumption, I consumed a lot of it in the last 2 years, I like what I've tried, the doubts are for cost and because I don't know if it is the most suitable tool, maybe winsowr type brushes is more suitable), sometimes I use, fineliner, or sheets safari ef but not for inking, they would be good ideas, maybe more degrees of fineliner,
best solution is to buy brushes and ink bowl, even here, the cost scares me. I bought Nib, but maybe it should be used together with a brush to bow?
or digital after the pencils? , 5 years ago I bought intuos tablet (and then also changed the pc) but used the intuos tablet little (found it difficult to look at motior but also use the programs), now I would like to try again but the pc is almost broken again,
is it ok to ink a comic or other tablet without a screen, is it just a matter of habits? maybe it's better for color maybe? , thank you very much and sorry for english and stupid questions
Christopher Beaven
Yes, yes, yes! Doing something daily! No matter how small is powerful! I also love that you reaffirmed my practice of creating a space where flow can happen. Getting into the zone. Reminds me of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.
Great lesson - thanks a lot for it Ryan. Watching this made me realise (among other things) that I need to put in more hours with my pencil. Just the precision and confidence with which you lay down lines and tone really helps me see somewhere I need to put in more practice.