Refining Colors After Flats
Refining Colors After Flats
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Refining Colors After Flats

Course In Progress

Refining Colors After Flats

Course In Progress

What's in Premium?

In this lesson, you'll learn how to fine-tune your colors after laying down flats. We'll cover techniques to adjust and refine your color choices using adjustment layers and masks. You'll learn to:

  • Use adjustment layers for broad color changes without altering your original work.
  • Consider the light source to enhance depth and realism.
  • Apply masking techniques to adjust specific areas like foreground and background separately.
  • Enhance contrast and separation to make elements in your artwork stand out.
  • Experiment with different color schemes quickly to find the perfect atmosphere for your piece.

By the end of this lesson, you'll have a cohesive artwork with refined colors, ready for shadows, lighting, and finishing touches.

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We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Bryce Kho is a freelance illustrator and concept artist best known for creating complex, whimsical illustrations.
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