Imaginative Deconstruction
Imaginative Deconstruction
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Digital Painting Fundamentals

Imaginative Deconstruction

Course In Progress

Imaginative Deconstruction

Course In Progress

What's in Premium?

Explore how to draw inspiration from everyday life to enhance your character designs. In this premium lesson, we dive into:

  • Studying Real-Life Proportions: Learn how to observe and analyze ratios and proportions using real-life references, such as a baby's face. Understand features like the eyeline placement, forehead-to-cheek ratios, and the unique shapes that contribute to a character's appeal.

  • Defining Facial Planes with Features: Discover techniques to use facial features like eyebrows and ears to define the planes of the face, aiding in constructing accurate and expressive head shapes.

  • Breaking Down Objects for Design: Practice deconstructing everyday items, like a hat, to understand their shapes and structures. Learn how to translate these observations into your artwork.

  • Applying Studies to Creative Concepts: See how to transform your studies into new design ideas. Turn simple objects into whimsical creations, and explore how playful experimentation can enhance your work.

  • Integrating Story and Design: Understand the importance of connecting your designs to a narrative. Learn how designing with a story in mind can lead to cohesive and compelling characters.

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About instructors
We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Bryce Kho is a freelance illustrator and concept artist best known for creating complex, whimsical illustrations.
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