How to Master Drawing Through Research
How to Master Drawing Through Research
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How to Master Drawing Through Research

Course In Progress

How to Master Drawing Through Research

Course In Progress

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In this premium lesson, we explore research drawing to help you master your subject. By drawing your topic repeatedly, you'll become comfortable depicting it from any angle, even without references. Starting with simple objects, we'll learn to break down complex shapes and think about the underlying forms. You'll discover how to draw from observation and imagination, placing objects in various positions to create visual interest. This process expands your visual library, enabling you to manipulate objects within your scenes and develop new illustration ideas. It's about understanding your subject deeply so you can draw what you really want to draw.

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We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Bryce Kho is a freelance illustrator and concept artist best known for creating complex, whimsical illustrations.
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