How to Flat Colors Like a Pro
How to Flat Colors Like a Pro
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How to Flat Colors Like a Pro

Course In Progress

How to Flat Colors Like a Pro

Course In Progress

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In this lesson, we cover flatting techniques in digital art. You'll learn how to apply base colors effectively, organize your layers from light to dark and warm to cool, and choose colors using value and RGB sliders. We explore different methods for applying flats, including manual painting, the lasso tool, and using reference layers. You'll also learn how to limit your palette by reusing colors, adjust hues with alpha lock and hue/saturation sliders, and set a strong foundation for adding lighting and shading to your artwork.

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We're a hub for artists to improve their skills and connect with a community of like minded peers and talented mentors.
Bryce Kho is a freelance illustrator and concept artist best known for creating complex, whimsical illustrations.
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