Stage 5 - Final Touches - Real Time
Stage 5 - Final Touches - Real Time
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Classical Portraiture Techniques and Concepts

Stage 5 - Final Touches - Real Time


Stage 5 - Final Touches - Real Time



Stage 5: Edges and subtlety. Above all in the final moments of the painting I am looking for changes that will affect the big picture view of the painting- the composition.

  1. Look for your sharpest and most contrasting edges, are they place close to the focal and most important part of the painting? Does the background frame the portrait well, or distract from it? These are the kinds of questions we are trying to answer in this moment.
  2. Finally, take a BIG step back from your easel and look for the changes that you will need to make to maximise the impact from this distance. So often, as painters, we fall victim to overworking a painting. Usually this involves having too great a focus on how the painting looks while your nose is almost pressed to the canvas. Distance, in this case, will enhance the sense of breadth in your picture.
Marco Sordi
2023/12/12. Dear @Stephen Bauman, thank you so much for your beautiful course. Below are the images of the paintings I created following your lessons (the third is only in the three-color version). As you can see there are many inaccuracies in the proportions and anatomy of the faces and the various elements (with time and practice I'm sure I will become more precise). I used the same color palette as yours but the result is very reddish. Handling such intense colors like Alizarin Crimson, Vermillion and Aureolin is still very difficult for me but I hope to do better in the next paintings. I still have difficulty with the edges of the eyebrows, lips and the shading of the nose. However, I had a lot of fun painting these three ladies and learned a lot. Two years ago when I started painting I didn't even know what a canvas was. Thank you so much for your very important teachings. I can't wait to follow you in your new courses. Thanks again and merry Christmas!!
Donald Nichols
Stephen Bauman
PROGRESS! Really cool to see all of this work, Marco. Finding a red that suits you palette would definitely improve the balance of color in your paintings. If I'm honest, I think that these reds skew my palette red as well.
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