What should i do next ??

Hello everyone,
As someone who is just starting out in drawing, my future goal is to become a comic book artist. Currently, I have taken the basic drawing lessons on the site and I want to improve my skills in this direction. However, I don't know what my next step should be. Should I take lessons for digital drawing or for ink? Should I draw my basic lessons in a digital environment? I have a lot of questions like these :) I would be very happy if you could guide me on this journey.
Hey @Erdem! You're in the right place, we have a lot of comic book artists in the Proko Community, welcome! The Drawing Basics course is an excellent place to begin learning how to draw. (The course is still on-going so there's a lot more to come!) Drawing Basics has two levels of difficulty for each project so if you've tried all of the level 1 projects, try your hand at the level 2 projects to stretch your skills a bit more, and if you've already tried the level 2 projects it can't hurt to try them again! You'll gain new insight and solidify your understanding of a concept each time you revisit a lesson. One of the best ways to grow as an artist is to post your projects and artwork here in the Proko community so your peers can give you feedback on what you're doing well, and where you can improve. We're all here to learn from one another and you'll find a ton of amazing artists here have similar goals and can help you along the way.
A lot of artists work both traditionally and digitally in the comic industry (and in the Drawing Basics course!) It's best to train yourself in both Traditional and Digital mediums, it will make you a more well-rounded artist. Learning how to ink traditionally will help inform you of how to ink digitally and so on. Most of the Basics lessons can be done digitally but you should challenge yourself to try them traditionally from time to time! Ultimately, you should work in the way that you enjoy the most, but it's always good to step out of your comfort zone and try a new medium.
If you're interested in learning more about comics the book "How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way" is an essential resource book for how to draw comics, and it's easily attainable. This would be a great companion book to study along side the drawing basics course. After Drawing Basics you can look into some more comic focused lessons, there are a lot of great free lessons here from David Finch's Creating a Comic Page, and Marvel's The Art of Storytelling courses so you can take a look and see what they're all about.
The last bit of advice is to just start drawing comics! If you have any favorite characters take a shot at drawing a few pages, or even a whole story! If you're not ready to create your own pages, (and even if you are) study your favorite comic artists, and read, read, read as many comics as you can! Re-draw your favorite comic artist's work and learn from them. Have fun, make mistakes, learn as much as you can, and keep the pencil moving!
You may also get a lot from The Draftsmen Podcast which has a lot of resources for how to structure your art education, and how to improve as an artist!
Hope this helps, looking forward to seeing your work!
"The last bit of advice is to just start drawing comics! " This is really good advice. It will provide context to everything else you're learning.
Hello Patrick,
Thank you very much for your detailed message. The information you provided is very helpfull for me. Honestly, I was always thinking of digital drawing as the next step, and from what I understand, it seems like I can be familiar with both, even if I am at the beginner level. :) Thank you again for your support.