What are ways to get your art to stand out compared to ai art?

Dennis Yeary
I was wondering if it’s still possible to become a career artist or is this going to be hobby?
Those are tricky questions, @Dennis Yeary!
My take: the best way to make our art stand out from AI art is really to let our own uniqueness and individuality come through in our work. AI is like a big “mashup collective brain”, but it’s not YOUR brain. In that sense, creating based on your subjective ideas, unexpected insights, personal ways of expression, individual points of view, life history and unique personality is something AI will (probably) never be able to do.
Regarding art being a job position or a hobby, I think no one is sure enough yet about the full impact of AI on jobs to answer that question with total clarity. And that doesn’t concern just art, but also any other job position which AI is able to perform: programming, graphic design, copywriting, digital content creation etc.
This post shares some insights which I, personally, found to make sense: https://www.selfemployedartist.com/blog/how-to-compete-against-ai-future-proofing-your-art-career-part-2#
And I’m also attaching what ChatGPT replied to me when I posed your questions to it. 🙃
Hope you find this helpful somehow. If you happen to have extra thoughts, questions or if you find any other useful information out there, I’d love to know about.
Stay well!