Text description doesn't match the video topic
Yana Proshenko
When I switch between lessons, the description below the video sometimes loads correctly and matches the video and sometimes not. It occurs from time to time with different lessons and happens randomly - if I click the same lesson again, it loads correctly. Please take a look at the attached screenshot
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John B
@Yana Proshenko Are you still encountering this bug? I'm having a hard time replicating it and I'm wondering if it's because it got fixed by the developers. If not, let me know and I can forward your issue onto them.
Yana Proshenko
@John B Yes. Here's the gif of if - https://gyazo.com/a2abb79afa36e92e2fa0ed887f16987c The description at the bottom - when I click from the Bean Critiques video to one of the Mannequinization videos, for example, the video uploads and changes but the description at the bottom where it's written 'Marshall Vandruff and Stan Prokopenko critique students' drawings based on the Bean lesson' stays the same. If I click the video then the description changes, still before clicking it remains for the previous video, not for the one which is on the screen currently
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