Martijn Punt
Hi everyone,
I occasionally do self-portraits to document my art progress, also I'm a very cheap model. I've attached some of my favorite portraits (most from the last 3 years, the one where I still have hair is from 30 years ago).
Some of these were done using mirror, some from photo reference.
Does anybody else like doing self-portraits? please share some of your own.
I don't draw or paint myself as much as I paint others. I'm working on a new self portrait that I just started over though. Here are some older self portraits.
I need to do more self portraits, this sketch is my favorite one I've done so far. I love what you've done, they look great.
I haven't done any thorough self portraits for ages, but just wanted to say these are gorgeous!
I love the colours in the sixth one it's so striking!
thanks ! i sometimes colour my pencil sketches digitally by taking a photo of the sketch and then adding a transparent layer, gives a sort of watercolor effect.
Number 5 is my favorite for appeal, but numbers 6,7,9, and 10 are excellent also. Thanks for sharing.
I really like the last one. You've captured emotion, atmosphere, and a real sense of "presence."
Really awesome!
Yeah the best model I had was me haha
I didn't do a self portrait in a long time so that's a great reminder.
They're all great but I like the one you hold a pencil even more!
Thanks Olga, the one with the pencil I did for the August 2020 Proko challenge (with Steven Bauman), but I didn't get reviewed in the video (the entries were really strong as usual). Cheers!