Recent anatomy studies: crits appreciated!!
Hey all im super hyped to join this awesome new platform!! I've been taking learning art seriously for about two years, focused on the fundementals, particularly the figure, with an aim to increase my overall draftsmanship skills and be able to draw from imagination. I love gesture and structure! My current career goal I want to build the skills toward is storyboarding. I've recently been shifting my focus into anatomy, since I believe that's where some of my problems are coming from, like inaccuracy in stylization. I've noticed I have some kind of style, while some of it is likely the result of my ignorance, I also love to study awesome artists I love old and new, so that's likely had some influence too!
The focus of these pages is mostly on the legs and shoulder region, but there's a few other things mixed in. most of these are drawn from models, proko videos, or a few Micheal Hampton studies. there are some gesture drawings that are less focused on anatomy too. I would highly appreciate any critiques and thoughts, I want to find my weak points and conquer them!! if you'd like to check out more of my work you can see it in my albums Thanks much.
You're showing brilliant range on your figures and your lines are looking good! Some legs look a little big and stiff on certain figures but it all reads really well and it appears you are doing well by the Hampton book!
Thank you Vincent!! 🙌 those are some great notes, I can definitely see what your saying in stiffness, I’ll try and be mindful of it. And yeah his book is one of my favorites. Thanks!