Queen Elizabeth Portrait Sculpt
Andrew Joseph Keith
Just did this two hour portrait sculpture study of Queen Elizabeth II. This is a great exercise to try to capture a likeness in a short amount of time. I uploaded a video of the process to my personal YouTube channel if you're interested. https://youtube.com/shorts/jw53To2oSsE?feature=share Join the Portrait Sculpting course if you'd like to learn the ins and outs of portrait sculpture!
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It’s awesome that you’re aiming to make educational insect sculptures—there’s definitely a gap in the market for accurate, detailed models like that. As for the clay, I can relate to your struggles with Primo being a bit soft; it helps to try blending it with a bit of cornstarch or chilling it for easier handling. I’d recommend checking out "The Sculptor's Workshop" for great resources on small creature sculpting, and if you're diving into Blender, look up tutorials specifically for organic modeling to help with insect anatomy. Keep it up! I like your awesome video in youtube: https://youtube.com/shorts/jw53To2oSsE?feature=share https://melon-sandbox.com
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