Portrait Drawing- I would love your feedback!

Hi-I'm a student artist and would sincerely love any direction you can give me on where my art needs improvement. Thank you in advance!
8.5 by 11- 2-3 hours
PS If you'd like, i made a video of my process for you to watch
I like the kinda scratchy crosshatching of the clothes and hair,I also like the shape design on the nose and the cast shadow below it.Alongside what John CArter said,I would also advise that you make the halftone of the face lighter.For example here's a John singer sargent drawing where he make the halftone lighter to create a nice light and dark composition.
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Hi, Wow -- very nice! My only critique (and this is a matter of taste) would be to add some dark shadow occlusion accents. But really, very good work.
BTW - the video link seems to be to a painting process vid and not the pencil drawing :-)
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply :)
Would you mind elaborating where occlusion shadows would be appropriate on a portrait?
The link I SHOULD have put down was https://www.instagram.com/p/CZKfRzrAuzF/