Portrait Drawing Book Recommendations
Ewan Jones
I have recently been taking portrait drawing more seriously and have found myself itching for some good reference materials to help my learning. Ideally I am looking for a book which has many example drawings of specific features as well as entire portraits. Does anyone know of such a reference? I would appreciate any recommendations, there are so many books out there that I am a little overwhelmed. Thanks everyone!
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Gabriel Palma
This one was the first portrait drawing book that actually helped me: https://www.amazon.com/How-Draw-Lifelike-Portraits-Photographs/dp/089134635X/ref=sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=lee+hammond+drawing&qid=1621462138&sr=8-11 I think there's a newer edition.
Kristian Nee
Hey Ewan, as @James Doane said, you can't go wrong with Andrew Loomis. He's awesome, and he's what @Stan Prokopenko has based a lot of his teaching off of. A couple I'd add to the list are Vanderpool and Bargue. They have some of the best drawing books out there for simplifying the human body. I also think their drawings are beautiful.
James Doane
Those are good additions @Kristian Nee!
James Doane
Hi Ewan! Portraits are tough! Andrew Loomis is a great starting point, as others have mentioned. The Loomis method is not for everyone, but it is a solid starting point. I am personally not a fan of Hogarth, but you can try it if you want. I would also not recommend George Bridgman if you are just starting, but I would highly recommend his books as you get more advanced and move toward anatomy more.
Ahmed Kamal
hi @Ewan Jones you can look for andrew loomis book and burne hogarth book and some good portraits drawings from artists you like their works
Ewan Jones
Thank you for the suggestions! I don't remember seeing the Hogarth book when I was browsing so I will take a look.
Christopher K.
Hey Ewan! I have been trying to practice more head drawing myself recently. “How to draw the head and hands” by Andrew Loomis is an absolute must own. It has helped me immensely
Ewan Jones
Thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely check that one out!
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