Planes of the Face

Hello, I'm looking for some critique for my drawing on planes of the face, I'm pretty happy with it overall but the eye on the right side is giving me some trouble.
Any input is appreciated!
Overall shape of the head is incorrect. Make sure you get the big shape right or everything that follows will be wrong. It's not the right eye that's wrong, it's the shape of the head. General to specific. Big to small.
Hey! Nice job on this, you're definitely starting to get the concepts down for drawing. I can see you're understanding the ideas behind the planes/ proportion/ gesture.
The first thing I'd say is to take better photos of the drawings you're putting out there. In this case I can tell what's going on, but it's difficult to tell exactly what's happening. It's a good idea to get in the habit of taking good photos of your art work, even if it's a study. Part of the presentation of the image is the photograph. You could have an amazing piece of art work you want to share, but if the photo is bad it would kill the entire thing.
In terms of the actual drawing, it's correct enough for me to tell that you understand the concepts. The rule of thirds, and the idea of planes. What I think would make it a lot stronger is the use of plumb lines. I did a quick diagram over yours. The biggest thing is on the left side of their face, you can see if you take a line from the brow all the way down there is a much larger chunk of negative space on your drawing.
I'd recommend watching @Stan Prokopenko's video Measuring Techniques. In it he goes through the fundamentals of measuring, and how it can be used to correct your drawing at any stage.
Good luck!
I think the main thing you need to work is to take a closer look to the face to identify the planes shown in Marco Bucci's course, start with tracings first, most plane changes of the head are REALLY subtle, so trying to understand what each line of the diagrams drawn in the videos represent in an actual face is the skill we want to get from the exercise.
In the drawing you presented, it appears like you are trying to copy the shapes of the shadows (like in the cheek or the right eye) rather than analyzing the 3D planes. Do not trace the shadows, think about the mayor planes that makes the head boxy: side planes, front plane, buttom plane, etc. And then the minor planes, the mayor planes should always be more prominent than the minor planes.
Proportion issues (like your concern with the left eye) are their own problem, practice the measuremet techniques that proko teches regularly.
That could be all. Hope it can help!