Painting the Profile - CRITIQUE ME
Gino Datuin
Wanted to share this digital portrait painting in profile. Please feel free to give feedback. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Perhaps the neck it too thin? Otherwise, very nice!
It definitely is too thin! but i chose to leave it as is because I liked the shape. Thank you for your feedback!
This looks good. I like how you've blended with very dense brush strokes. I think the highlights could be improved upon a bit with this one, though. the shoulder to the left and the collar bone should probably have a lighter highlight similar to what is applied on the face, since those are directly facing the implied light source.
Thank you for your critique! I see what you mean with the highlight on the shoulder and collar bone.
I think I gave the shoulder areas very little attention to be honest. Was so focused in on the face.
Thanks again!
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I think it looks great :) and I like the edge contrast with the harder edges at her face and softer ones in the hair and neck. I also like the variated use of curves and straights in her silhouette.
The neck looks a bit too thin though, in my opinion.
Thank you for your critique especially considering that I think I struggle the most with edges and color.
Neck is definitely thin and I'm glad you noticed it, but I like to intentionally push and pull those proportions to a point for the sake of better shapes.
Thank you again!