Painting Technique- I would love your feedback!

Hi- I recently started a new technique for painting whereby I draw a detailed line drawing with shadow shapes and edges. I then paint it in a systematic way using small tiles of color to get me to the finished result. I have heard other artists describe this as "the worst way to paint" and "not real art". I would really appreciate your feedback on why this technique is so frowned upon
Below is a link to a timelapsed video of me using this technique
Well I don't know what those artist think,but I can assure you if it get you where you want and result is good,it's probably real art.
(Beside erik gist does the same thing and Erik Gist is one of the best artist in recent times)
I'm guessing think that kinda thinking reside to people who does more life painting and alla prima.If you're an illustrator or comic book painter,this kinda process is basically mandatory considering you need to establish complex shapes from your head on canvas
(Also example of erik gist piece I was talking about
I looked at Gist's work since you mentioned it, and there's something not quite right about it for me. Maybe compositionally? Something is flat, but I can't put my finger on it. It's weird.
brilliant- thank you so much for sharing. I have direction now for where I need to improve my work as well as clarity on the technique in question. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me this feedback :)
Also I forgot to mention that's a really good painting,like I really like the kinda thickness you have in the paint,remind me of Norman Rockwell.Though I will say your edges are a bit boring,I advise making one of the shoulder softer (kinda like this norman rockwell painting;courtesy of Muddycolors's Scott Fischer) I also advise making the background more insteresting,this could be done by adding background to push the story( another rockwell)You can add thin brushstroke kinda like John Singer Sargent,or you could add randomn small shapes to push the mood (example James Bama)It's up to you.
Anyway,I'm sorry that the painting critique is below me just ranting about art critiques,I hope the post above this isn't too annoying.