Norman Rockwell master study
Gannon Beck
I've been working on this one off and on for a while. I'm going to make one more pass on the heads and a few details then call it "done." I'm doing a few separate head studies just for practice before I start in on the painting.
This is done in gouache using the Zorn pallete. I feel like it's taught me a lot about mixing colors.
so cool Gannon! Crazy how good norman Rockwell. You did a great job capturing the depth of the image and the weight of the characters posture. Very cool indeed.
Halo wich proko course is it?
This isn't from a course at Proko, but rather me being convinced by Stan and Marshall the importance of doing master studies.
A friend sent me a link of Jeff Watts painting in gouache and it inspired me to give it a shot. I enrolled in the online learning on his site, which I found useful. It's a monthly fee over there. I got up to the point of working with the Zorn palette and have been experimenting with it, doing little studies and two big ones (this and a Frazetta study).
Next, I'll start expanding the palette a little more. I might do an Alex Ross Master study next since he has a gallery on tour close to me and I can compare my efforts to his originals. Along the way, I'll do various studies--mostly portraits.
Eventually, I'll start developing paintings based on my own compositions. At least that's the plan.
This made me verbally say "whoa" I love how you capture their expressions without trying to jam too much detail in there. Very nice work
Thanks! There is subtlety the expressions in Rockwell's original that I wasn't able to capture in mine, but I can't feel too bad about it, since he was who he was. Nevertheless, I'm very happy with what I'm learning from doing this. I wish I started doing master studies earlier in my development. In addition to the learning that occurs, it's a great way to get a deeper appreciation of the artists I love.