New Year's resolution for inking
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As a sort of early New Year's resolution I played around with inking some scribbles yesterday. Very clumsy attempts. I've never done much professional inking and it's been years (and years, and years) since I've attempted anything. The inking I've done previously has been more in the thick-to-thin, brushy-cartoony style. The color cartoons attached are some examples of my work like that. I had never really put much effort into renderings that address shadow masses, figure planes, and what all. So, these first few scribbles are pretty awful in the technique department. Heck, in the drawing department too. I used a variety of cheap fine tip and brush markers. 'Just dipping my toes in :-)
This coming year I will be doing some serious study of ink illustration technique. I'll probably start by doing close studies of artists whose inking I admire: Joe Kubert, Neal Adams, Jim Aparo. More as I discover them. And I'll be experimenting with different tools; possibly adding some dip pens. Anyway, these scribbles are posted for future comparison. And as always, much more study is needed :-)
Blue prismacolor pencil, various fine tip and brush markers on white copy paper, 11 inches x 8.5 inches
Very nice! Inking is one of the 10.000 skills that need my attention for practice also :). Didn't know Joe Kubert but is work looks amazing. Thank you!
That first 2 page of ink are sick.Even though you didn't mention them,the linework remind me of Darwyn Cooke and John Montgommery Flagg.Very cool John
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Wow! That's encouraging, thank you, Paper :-)
These are all pretty fun! Also thats a pretty nice new years resolution to have. I myself adore inking and its fun to see people get into the specific medium more. If you need any more artist to study, and or resources for inking dont hesitate to respond! I have a ton of artisit I myself enjoy and won't hesitate to share them (dont want to drop an unwanted pharagraph haha).
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Thanks William. Please, drop away :-)